Saturday, December 13, 2008

Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique

Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique Bio-Energetic-Synchronization-Technique...(B.E.S.T.) is a non-invasive method of aligning the Body, Mind and Spirit. BEST utilizes the fact that for every motor neuron there are ten sensory neurons. That means that each muscle fiber pulling a joint into subluxation (out of proper alignment, causing malfunction and pain) is doing so as the result of misinformation from ten sensory nerves.

We live within these incredible bodies that of themselves can not get sick or even harm themselves. It is we the operators of these bodies that create the disease, the harm. The location of every joint and organ in the body is the result of a muscle or muscle group. The pulling things into or out of normal position is the body following the instructions of either our mind, the consumption of what we call food/beverages or both.

The mind may be our biggest handicap only because we’ve been taught so little about it. Basically the mind has three parts: 1.) Superconscious, 2.) Conscious and 3.) Subconscious. The Superconscious is said to be our connection to Source, God, Universal Intelligence..however you may relate. The Conscious is the decision maker and exists only in the now. The Conscious has no past and no future, it is only now. The Subconscious holds our history. The Subconscious has every experience, thought, dream, etc. in storage with a phenomenal capacity to retrieve that information.

This information retrieval is based on everything going on in the now, for the Conscious mind uses the Subconscious to understand everything. Without the Subconscious you have no personal would not know your name, where you are from, what you are about to do, etc. It may be suggested that the Alzheimer patient has no Subconscious retrieval access.

However, because we have not learned how this mechanism works and have not acquired the tools to deal with this information, we have maintained an attitude of not having time for most of what the Subconscious brings out of storage. And so we deny its contents and end up with massive amounts of copies of that information. The Body is not immune to this denial. The denial plays out in the body where the body attempts to get our attention through the use of pain...which starts out mild becomes acute and then chronic.

Then you see, if you believe “you are not good enough” etc., your body will play that out also along with all that you may be denying. Remember, your body is like a team, it listens to the coach and you are the coach of your body.

Then there is the food/beverages that we consume to alleviate our hunger for gratification and neuroses. (Notice I didn’t say food for maintenance). I am not going to say much here. Most of what is consumed as food/beverage in America is not fit for our pets much less us.

I have one last explanation of BEST. This is the breaker switch concept. In this format, I use the example of Phantom itch or pain. When all the electrical appliances of a household are plugged into one standard 15 amp outlet and all turned on, there is too much electricity being pulled through the line and in order to not have an electrical fire, a breaker switch goes to the off position and all electricity through that line is stopped.

The same thing happens in the reverse direction when we injure ourselves. There is too much electricity, information, energy headed for the brain from the injury. The brain throws breaker switches to the off position. Consequently, in the example of the individual having lost a limb, his or her brain has real mixed messages because parts of the brain do not know the limb is gone. The information of the injury never got past the breaker switch.

Furthermore, I know that the breaker switch is spring loaded to go back to the on position. So, people that have had terrible experiences such as war, rape, etc. cannot tell you about the ordeal because they haven’t let go of the breaker switch. They “believe”/”know” that the war, rapist, terrorist is right there with them even though it has been years since the incident. They “know” that the incident is in that information that is being kept out of the brain by the breaker switch. Therefore, to release the breaker switch “feels” like certain death if not horrific pain. This is where people are with PTDS.

When the individual can find what they perceive as real safety and have the technology, the advocate or both; the breaker switches can be released to go to the on position. An excellent example of this is a gentleman in his fifties who while supine on the table had his left leg lift up and out with such vigor I thought he was going to lose his lace up shoe. I was gently holding points on his head while this happened.

He looked up at me and asked what I had done to his left ankle. I replied that I hadn’t done anything and asked what had he done. His response was that he hadn’t done anything either, that he was lying, relaxed on the table. I again asked what had happened to that ankle. He said that that wasn’t possible. I asked him to relate to me what had happened any way. He said that his left ankle had “caught” an AK47 round twenty plus years before in Viet Nam. I said, “Well, your mind just found out”.

I also know that the breaker switch phenomena is not just for adults, adolescents, children or babies. If a pregnant mother believes she is going to be injured physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually, not only will she throw breaker switches, so will the fetus. Consequently, many of us are born with breaker switches in the off position. And of course this experience becomes “normal” even when it’s not. Your body holding those breaker switches in the off position uses an enormous amount of energy. It both drains, “fatigues” and sets the stage for pain and dysfunction. BEST updates “your bio-computer” creating increased health, energy and well being. Schedule an appointment today. Your body-mind will love BEST. For a wonderful testimonial on BEST go to and click on Chronic Pain under BEST.